Shopper and tote bags are everywhere at the minute, and I can see why: if your handbag is anything like mine, it's never half full. Mainly consisting of junk, my bag often takes on the role of the miscellaneous drawer: half-working headphones just in case the current ones bite the dust? Five combs? All that change you mean to put in a pot so that it doesn't just weigh you down? Sure. Why not. In you go.
With this in mind, the Fiorelli Carlton seemed to fit the bill. With three compartments instead of one to reduce to urge to, well, make your life a whole lot harder, this bag essentially forces you to keep things tidy. The straps are the perfect length for carrying or wearing, plus there are some great zips and detailing: I'm kind of obsessed.
It's a smart bag, but not too stuffy looking: I'll definitely be sporting this with shoes other than heels! If you're after something versatile and cute that scores highly on the Mary Poppins Scale, check this bag out.
What handbag are you currently sporting?
Hope you have a lovely Sunday xo
Hello, i would like to know if we can put books in A4 format in it because i would like to buy it in order to use it for classes :)